Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I know I've posted this a while ago but it's just too good not to again!
8 raisons pour lesquelles vous êtes célibataire
1. Because every good looking guy is a jerk.
1. Parce que tous les gars agréable est un con.
2. Every nice guy isn't good looking.
2. Chaque bon gars n'est pas beau.
3. Every nice and good looking guy is taken.
3. Tous les gars de belle apparence est prise.
4. Every nice, good looking, single guy is broke.
4. Tout beau, célibataire est en faillite.
5. Every nice, good looking, single, rich guy is a cheater.
5. Tout beau, beau, simple, l'homme riche est un tricheur.
6. Every nice, good looking, single, rich, non-cheating guy is gay.
6. Tout beau, beau, non unique, riche, l'homme-triche est gay.
7. Every nice, good looking, single, rich, non-cheater, straight guy is not interested in us.
7. Tout beau, beau, simple non, riches,-tricheur, l'homme ne s'intéresse pas directement à nous.
8. Every nice, good looking, single, rich, non-cheating, straight guy that is interested in us is divorced and has kids.
8. Tout beau, beau, simple non, riches,-triche, l'homme droit qui ne s'intéresse à nous est divorcée et les enfants.

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